our books for parents and professionals

I’m passionate about offering support to parents and professionals.  As a result I have written two books that are available on Amazon or as PDF’s on EtsyUK, just follow the links below.  If you wish to purchase multiple copies or to have them sent to a different country please contact me directly with your requirements at belong@belongts.com

I Can’t Do This! – When Fostering and Adoption Feels Too Hard.

fostering and adoption book

This book uses a personal fostering-adoption story to show how one parent went from feeling like they couldn’t be a foster parent any more to adopting their children.  It also introduces readers to the 3B’s therapeutic model which integrates different therapeutic parenting ideas and focuses on the well-being of both the parent and the child.

Therapeutic Topics:

Therapeutic parenting, attachment, trauma, parent self-care, behaviour support.

Buy on Amazon

Buy on EtsyUK

The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Shame – How To Feel Good-Enough as a Foster or Adoptive Parent

This book explores how caring for children who don’t feel good-enough may impact a parent’s own sense of self-worth.  It examines how shame can be both helpful and unhelpful, how it develops and the behaviours we might engage in when it feels overwhelming for us.  Finally, it offers guidance on healing shame and developing a better sense of self-worth.

Therapeutic Topics:

Parent Self-Care, Shame, Defence Mechanisms and Self Worth.

Buy on Amazon

Buy on Etsy – Coming Soon!